Portrait of Painters - Self Portrait in the Art

Alfred Aaron Wolmark

Alfred Aaron Wolmark
Alfred Aaron Wolmark (British, 1877-1961)

Isabel Babianska Brodie

Isabel Babianska Brodie
Isabel Babianska Brodie (British, 1920 - 2006)

Charles Haslewood Shannon

Charles Haslewood Shannon
Charles Haslewood Shannon (British, 1863-1937)

Charles William Oliver

Charles William Oliver
Charles William Oliver (British, 1911–2004)

Francisco Oller y Cestero

Francisco Oller y Cestero, Portraits of painters, Francisco Oller, Self-portraits, Fine art

Francisco Oller y Cestero, Portraits of painters, Francisco Oller, Self-portraits, Fine art
Francisco Oller y Cestero (Puerto Rican, 1833-1917)

Francisco Marín Bagüés

Francisco Marín Bagüés

Francisco Marín Bagüés
Francisco Marín Bagüés (Spanish, 1879-1961)

Rubens Arthur Moore

Rubens Arthur Moore
Rubens Arthur Moore (British, 1860 - 1933)

Henry Marvell Carr

Henry Marvell Carr
Henry Marvell Carr (British, 1894 - 1970)

Ricardo Verde Rubio

Ricardo Verde Rubio, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Ricardo Verde, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Ricardo Verde, Painter Ricardo Verde
Ricardo Verde Rubio, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Ricardo Verde, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Ricardo Verde, Painter Ricardo Verde
Ricardo Verde Rubio, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Ricardo Verde, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Ricardo Verde, Painter Ricardo Verde
Ricardo Verde Rubio, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Ricardo Verde, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Ricardo Verde, Painter Ricardo Verde

Ricardo Verde Rubio, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Ricardo Verde, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Ricardo Verde, Painter Ricardo Verde

Ricardo Verde Rubio (Spanish, 1876 - 1954)

Rafael Aguado Arnal

Rafael Aguado Arnal
Rafael Aguado Arnal (Spanish, 1880-1951)

Eduardo Chicharro Agüera

Eduardo Chicharro Agüera
Eduardo Chicharro Agüera (Spanish, 1873-1949)

Marguerite Burnat Provins

Marguerite Burnat Provins
Marguerite Burnat Provins
Marguerite Burnat Provins (French, 1872-1952)

Félix Lafuente Tobeñas

Félix Lafuente Tobeñas
Félix Lafuente Tobeñas (Spanish, 1865 - 1927)

Effie Spring Smith

Effie Spring Smith
Effie Spring Smith (British, 1907–1974)

Francisco Baños Martos

Francisco Baños Martos
Francisco Baños Martos (Spanish, 1928 - 2006 )

May Bridges Lee

May Bridges Lee
May Bridges Lee (British, 1905 - 1939)

José Antonio Gil Montejano

José Antonio Gil Montejano
José Antonio Gil Montejano  (Spanish, 1850-1906)

Carlos Baca-Flor

Carlos Baca-Flor

Carlos Baca-Flor (Peruan, 1867-1941)

José Aparicio Inglada

José Aparicio Inglada
José Aparicio Inglada (Spanish, 1773 - 1838)