Portrait of Painters - Self Portrait in the Art

Johan Krouthén

Johan Krouthén,Portrait of Painters, Self Portrait

Johan Krouthén,Portrait of Painters, Self Portrait
Johan Krouthén  (Swedish,  1858 - 1932)

Henri de Smeth

Portrait of Painters, Self Portrait
Henri de Smeth  (Dutch, 1821 - 1870)

László Mednyánszky

Laszlo Mednyanszky, Selt Portrait, Portraits of Painters
László Mednyánszky (Hungarian, 1852 - 1919)

Pierpaoli Giovanni

Pierpaoli Giovanni, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits
Pierpaoli Giovanni (Italian, 1833 - 1911)

Alonso Cano de Almansa

Alonso Cano de Almansa, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits
Alonso Cano de Almansa (Spanish, 1601 - 1667)

Alexey Steele

Alexey Steele, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits, Fine arts, Leonid Mikhailovich Steele
Alexey Steele (Ukraine, 1967 - ?)

Felipe Santamans

Felipe Santamans, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Felipe Santamans, Painter Felipe Santamans

Felipe Santamans (Valencia, 1951 -  ?), Felipe Santamans, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Felipe Santamans, Painter Felipe Santamans, Autorretrato, Felipe Santamans, Pintores españoles,  Pintor de Bodegones, Bodegones al pastel, Pintor Valenciano, Alex Alemany, Antonio Vera mahedero, Fernando Casanova Escorihuela

Felipe Santamans, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Felipe Santamans, Painter Felipe Santamans

Felipe Santamans (Spanish, 1951 -  ?)

Joseph Benwell Clark

Joseph Benwell Clark, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters
Joseph Benwell Clark (British, 1816 - 1886)

Domenico Baccarini

Domenico Baccarini, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits
Domenico Baccarini (Italian, 1882 - 1907)

Never Nikolaj

Never Nikolaj, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits
Never Nikolaj (Russian, 1830 - 1904)

Elliott Daingerfield

Elliott Daingerfield, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits
Elliott Daingerfield (American, 1859 - 1932)

Jules-Élie Delaunay

Jules-Élie Delaunay, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits
Jules-Élie Delaunay (French,  1828 - 1891)

Михаил Анчаров

Михаил Анчаров, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits

Михаил Анчаров, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits

Михаил Анчаров, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits

Михаил Анчаров, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits
Михаил Анчаров ( Russian, 1923 - 1990)

Franco Cernivez

Franco Cernivez, Portrait of Painters, Self Portraits
Franco Cernivez (Italian, 1876-1923)

Pedro Campón Polo

Pedro Campón Polo, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits
Pedro Campón Polo (Spanish, 1885 - 1942)

Enrico Ravetta

Enrico Ravetta, Portrait of Painters, Self Portraits
Enrico Ravetta (Italian, 1864 - 1939)

Francisco Val

Francisco Val, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Francisco Val, Painter Francisco Val
Francisco Val (Spanish, 1915 - ?)

Juan Hidalgo

Juan Hidalgo, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits
Juan Hidalgo (Spanish, 1927 - ?)

Armand Cambon

Armand Cambon, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits
Armand Cambon (French, 1819 - 1885)