Portrait of Painters - Self Portrait in the Art

Johann Michael Ferdinand Heinrich Hofmann

Johann Michael Ferdinand Heinrich Hofmann
Johann Michael Ferdinand Heinrich Hofmann  (German, 1816 - 1891)

Cesáreo Bernaldo de Quirós

Cesáreo Bernaldo Quirós, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Bernaldo Quirós, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Cesáreo Bernaldo Quirós, Painter Cesáreo Bernaldo Quirós

Cesáreo Bernaldo Quirós, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Bernaldo Quirós, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Cesáreo Bernaldo Quirós, Painter Cesáreo Bernaldo Quirós

Cesáreo Bernaldo Quirós, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Bernaldo Quirós, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Cesáreo Bernaldo Quirós, Painter Cesáreo Bernaldo Quirós

Cesáreo Bernaldo Quirós, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Bernaldo Quirós, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Cesáreo Bernaldo Quirós, Painter Cesáreo Bernaldo Quirós

Cesáreo Bernaldo de Quirós (Argentine, 1879 - 1968)

Gustavo Cochet

Gustavo Cochet
Gustavo Cochet  (Argentine, 1894 - 1979)

Lorenzo Casanova Ruiz

Lorenzo Casanova Ruiz
Lorenzo Casanova Ruiz  (Spanish, 1845-1900)

Jens Juel

Jens Juel (Danish ,1745 -1802)

Joseph Ducreux

 Joseph Ducreux
 Joseph Ducreux  (French, 1735-1802)

Joseph Wright

Joseph Wright
Joseph Wright (British, 1756-1793)

Janos Bortnyik

Janos Bortnyik (Hungary, 1893-1976)

Janos Thorma

Janos Thorma (Hungarian, 1870-1937)

Janos Vazsary

 Janos Vazsary (Hungary, 1867-1939)

Adolphe Felix Cals

Adolphe Felix Cals
Adolphe Felix Cals (French, 1810-1880)

Hans Baluschek

Hans Baluschek
Hans Baluschek (German, 1870-1935)

Jeremy Lipking

Jeremy Lipking, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts

Jeremy Lipking, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts

Jeremy Lipking (American, 1975 - ?)

Jacques Maroger

Jacques Maroger
Jacques Maroger (French, 1884-1962)

Stanhope Alexander Forbes

Stanhope Alexander Forbes (Ireland,1857-1947)

Aleksander Orłowski

Aleksander Orłowski
Aleksander Orłowski (Polish, 1777–1832)

Aleksander Kotsis

Aleksander Kotsis
Aleksander Kotsis (Polish, 1836-1877)

Goncal López Rancaño

Goncal López Rancaño
Goncal López Rancaño  (Spanish, 1881 - 1957)

Antonio de la Gandara

Antonio de la Gandara

Antonio de la Gandara

Antonio de la Gandara (Spanish, 1861-1917)