Portrait of Painters - Self Portrait in the Art

Norbert Goeneutte

Norbert Goeneutte, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Norbert Goeneutte, Painter Norbert Goeneutte
Norbert Goeneutte (French, 1854-1894)

Jacques Emile Blanche

Jacques Emile Blanche
Jacques Emile Blanche
Jacques Emile Blanche (French , 1861-1942)

John Brett

John Brett
John Brett (British, 1831-1902)

Filiberto Petiti

Filiberto Petiti
Filiberto Petiti (Italian, 1845-1924)

Peter Churcher

Peter Churcher
Peter Churcher (Australian, 1964 -?)

Julio Moisés Fernández de Villasante

Julio Moisés Fernández de Villasante, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Julio Moisés Fernández, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Julio Moisés Fernández, Painter Julio Moisés Fernández
Julio Moisés Fernández de Villasante (Spanish, 1888-1968)

Alvaro Alcala Galiano

Alvaro Alcala Galiano
Alvaro Alcala Galiano (Spanish, 1873-1936)

Bartolomé Mongrell Muñoz

Bartolomé Mongrell Muñoz
Bartolomé Mongrell Muñoz (Spanish, 1890-1938)

Ismael Blat Monzo

Ismael Blat Monzo
Ismael Blat Monzo (Spanish, 1901-1976)