Portrait of Painters - Self Portrait in the Art

Isidoro Garnelo Fillol

Isidoro Garnelo Fillol
Isidoro Garnelo Fillol (Spanish, 1867-1939)

Chester Harding

Chester Harding

Chester Harding

Chester Harding (American, 1792 - 1866 )

Claudio Bravo

Claudio Bravo (Chilean, 1936 - ?)

Maria de Lourdes de Mello e Castro

Maria de Lourdes de Mello e Castro (Portuguese, 1903-1996)

Maurice-Quentin de La Tour

Maurice-Quentin de La Tour
Maurice-Quentin de La Tour (French, 1704-1788)

Alejandro Sánchez Felipe

Alejandro Sánchez Felipe
Alejandro Sánchez Felipe (Spanish, 1895 - 1971)

George Washington Lambert

George Washington Lambert, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters

George Washington Lambert, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters

George Washington Lambert (Australian, 1873-1930)

Jose Vital Branco Malhoa

Jose Vital Branco Malhoa (Portuguese, 1855-1933)

Antonio María de Reyna Manescau

Antonio María de Reyna Manescau
Antonio María de Reyna Manescau  (Spanish, 1859- 1937)