Portrait of Painters - Self Portrait in the Art

Lydia Vallimae Mark

Lydia Vallimae Mark, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts
Lydia Vallimae Mark, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts
Lyydia Vallimae Mark (Estonian, 1925-2004)

Justin Clayton

Justin Clayton (Amenrican - )

Lucie Geffre

Lucie Geffre
Lucie Geffre
Lucie Geffre (French, 1976 -?)

Nelly Drell

Nelly Drell, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts
Nelly Drell (Estonian, 1979 - ?)

Kathrin Hufen wurde

Kathrin Hufen wurde
Kathrin Hufen wurde (Germany, 1968 - ?)

Paul Bril

Paul Bril
Paul Bril (Belgium, 1595–1600)

Juan Manuel Gavazzo Buchardo

Juan Manuel Gavazzo Buchardo
Juan Manuel Gavazzo Buchardo (Argentine, 1888-1965)

Geary Day

Geary Day
Geary Day (American, )

Linda Tracey Brandon

Linda Tracey Brandon
Linda Tracey Brandon (American 1937 -?)

Félix Revello de Toro

Félix Revello de Toro
Félix Revello de Toro (Spanish, 1926-? )

Alejandro Gabriel Bustillo Madero

Alejandro Gabriel Bustillo Madero
Alejandro Gabriel Bustillo Madero (Argentine, 1889 - 1982)

Anita Rée

Anita Rée
Anita Rée (German, 1885-1933)

Richard T Scott

Richard T Scott
Richard T Scott
Richard T Scott (American)

Christian Seybold

 Christian Seybold
 Christian Seybold
 Christian Seybold
 Christian Seybold
 Christian Seybold
 Christian Seybold (German, 1697-1768)

Eugène Fredrik Jansson

Eugène Fredrik Jansson

Eugène Fredrik Jansson
Eugène Fredrik Jansson (Swedish, 1862-1915)

Theodore Robinson

Theodore Robinson
Theodore Robinson (American, 1852-1896)

Richard Clague

Richard Clague (New Orleans, 1821 – 1873)

Robert Fowler

Robert Fowler
Robert Fowler (British, 1853-1926)

Carl Olaf Larsson

Carl Olaf Larsson, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts

Carl Olaf Larsson, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts
Carl Olaf Larsson (Swedish, 1853-1919)