Portrait of Painters - Self Portrait in the Art

Antonio Fillol Granell

Antonio Fillol Granell
Antonio Fillol Granell (Spanish, 1870 - 1930)

Michael Peter Ancher

Michael Peter Ancher

Michael Peter Ancher
Michael Peter Ancher (Danish, 1849 - 1927 )

Ramón Casas i Carbó

Ramón Casas i Carbó, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Ramón Casas, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Ramón Casas, Painter Ramón Casas

Ramón Casas i Carbó, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Ramón Casas, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Ramón Casas, Painter Ramón Casas

Ramón Casas i Carbó, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Ramón Casas, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Ramón Casas, Painter Ramón Casas

Ramón Casas i Carbó, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Ramón Casas, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Ramón Casas, Painter Ramón Casas
Ramón Casas i Carbó (Spanish, 1866 - 1932)

John Koh

John Kohl

Enrique Martínez Cubells

Enrique Martínez Cubells
Enrique Martínez Cubells  (Spanish, 1874-1947)

John Currie

John Currie
John Currie (British, 188-1914)

Carlos Federico Sáez

Carlos Federico Sáez, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits
Carlos Federico Sáez (Uruguayan, 1878 - 1901)

Joaquín Tudela Perales

Joaquín Tudela Perales
Joaquín Tudela Perales (Spanish, 1892 - 1970)

John Jackson

John Jackson, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Self-Portraits

John Jackson, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Self-Portraits
John Jackson (British, 1778-1831)