Portrait of Painters - Self Portrait in the Art

Ramón Sanvisens Marfull

Ramón Sanvisens Marfull
Ramón Sanvisens Marfull (Spanish, 1917 - 1987)

Fernando Álvarez Sotomayor

Fernando Álvarez Sotomayor, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Álvarez Sotomayor, Fine arts, Sotomayor, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Álvarez Sotomayor, Painter Fernando Álvarez Sotomayor
Fernando Álvarez Sotomayor  (Spanish, 1875 - 1960)

Louis Clesse

   Louis Clesse

Louis Clesse (Belgium, 1889 - 1961)

Alexey Petrovich Bogolyubov

Alexey Petrovich Bogolyubov
Alexey Petrovich Bogolyubov   (Russian, 1824-1896)

Carlos María Esquivel

Carlos María Esquivel

Carlos María Esquivel (Spanish, 1830-1867)

Ferdinand Victor Leon Roybe

Ferdinand Victor Leon Roybe

Ferdinand Victor Leon Roybet (French, 1840-1920)

George Tooker

George Tooker
George Tooker (American, 1920 - ?)

László Rozgonyi

László Rozgonyi (Budapest, 1894-1948)

Manuel Benedito Vives

Manuel Benedito Vives, Portraits of Painters, self Portraits, Benedito Vives, Fine Arts, Manuel Benedito

Manuel Benedito Vives, Portraits of Painters, self Portraits, Benedito Vives, Fine Arts, Manuel Benedito

Manuel Benedito Vives, Portraits of Painters, self Portraits, Benedito Vives, Fine Arts, Manuel Benedito

Manuel Benedito Vives (Spanish, 1875-1963)

Fernando Fader

Fernando Fader
Fernando Fader (French, 1882-1935)

Vieilly Henry

Vieilly Henry
Vieilly Henry (French, 1900-1979)

Robert Brackman

Robert Brackman, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Robert Brackman, Painter Robert Brackman

Robert Brackman, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Robert Brackman, Painter Robert Brackman
Robert Brackman  (German, 1898 - 1980)

Francisco Pons Arnau

Francisco Pons Arnau

Francisco Pons Arnau (Spanish, 1886 - 1953)

Antonio Vidal Rolland

Antonio Vidal Rolland
Antonio Vidal Rolland (Spanish, 1889 - 1970)

Teodoro Andreu Sentamans

Teodoro Andreu Sentamans
Teodoro Andreu Sentamans
Teodoro Andreu Sentamans  (Spanish, 1870-1934)

Ghislaine de Menten de Horne

Ghislaine de Menten de Horne

Ghislaine de Menten de Horne
Ghislaine de Menten de Horne (Belgium, 1908 - 1995)

Angel Pérez Espacio

Angel Pérez Espacio
Angel Pérez Espacio (French, 1963 - ? )

Juan Cingolani

Juan Cingolani

Juan Cingolani (Italian, 1859 - 1932)

Franciszek Zmurko

Franciszek Zmurko
Franciszek Zmurko (Polish, 1859-1910)