Portrait of Painters - Self Portrait in the Art

Ignacio Ugarte Bereciartu

Ignacio Ugarte Bereciartu
Ignacio Ugarte Bereciartu (Spanish, 1858-1914)

Burton Silverman

Burton Silverman
Burton Silverman (American 1928 - ? )

Samuel Wade

Samuel Wade, Portraits of Painters
Samuel Wade (Australian, 1979 - ? )

William Yellowlee

William Yellowlees  (Scotland., 1796 - 1855)

kovacs Mihaly

kovacs Mihaly

kovacs Mihaly  (Hungarian, 1818 - 1892)

Santiago Carbonell Moreno

Santiago Carbonell Moreno
Santiago Carbonell Moreno (Ecuadorian, 1960 - ?)

karczag Zoltan

karczag Zoltan
karczag Zoltan (Hungarian, 1881-1944)

Gaetano Gandolfi

Gaetano Gandolfi
Gaetano Gandolfi (Italian, 1734 -1802)

Deli Antal

Deli Antal
Deli Antal (Hungarian, 1886-1960)