Portrait of Painters - Self Portrait in the Art

Alex Hook Krioutchkov

Alex Hook Krioutchkov
Alex Hook Krioutchkov (Russian, 1966 - ?)

Leopoldo Gragera Castillo

Leopoldo Gragera Castillo, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Leopoldo Gragera, Painter  Leopoldo Gragera, Autorretrato
Leopoldo Gragera Castillo (Spanish, 1919 - 1995)

Nicolas Régnier

Nicolas Régnier (French, 1589 - 1667)

Ramón Cortés Casanova

Ramón Cortés Casanova
Ramón Cortés Casanova (Spanish, 1906 - 1977)

Antonio Canova

Antonio Canova
Antonio Canova (Italian, 1757 - 1822)

Ricardo Arenys Galdón

Ricardo Arenys Galdón
Ricardo Arenys Galdón (Spanish, 1914 - 1977)

Theodore Clement Steele

Theodore Clement Steele

Theodore Clement Steele
Theodore Clement Steele (American, 1847 - 1926)

Ioan Andreescu

Ioan Andreescu

Ioan Andreescu
Ioan Andreescu (Romanian, 1850 - 1882)

Adam Miller

Adam Miller
Adam Miller (American,  1979 -  ?)