Portrait of Painters - Self Portrait in the Art

Lucien J. Simon

Lucien J. Simon, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts

Lucien J. Simon, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts
Lucien J. Simon (French, 1861-1945)

George Chinnery

George Chinnery

George Chinnery
 George Chinnery (British, 1774-1852)

Djordje Prudnikoff

Djordje Prudnikoff
Djordje Prudnikoff (Russian, 1939 - ?)

Arthur Chaplin

Arthur Chaplin
Arthur Chaplin (French, 1869-1935)

Christopher Pugliese

Christopher Pugliese

Christopher Pugliese (American, 1968 - ?)

Pedro de Guezala

Pedro de Guezala, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Pedro de Guezala, Painter Pedro de Guezala

Pedro de Guezala (Spanish, 1896-1960)

Matthew James Collins

Matthew James Collins
Matthew James Collins (American, 1970 - ?)

Victor Hume Moody

Victor Hume Moody

Victor Hume Moody
Victor Hume Moody (British, 1896 -1990)

Carl Dobsky

Carl Dobsky (American, 1972 - ?)

Giambettino Cignaroli

Giambettino Cignaroli

Giambettino Cignaroli (Italian, 1706 -1770)

Childe Hassam

Childe Hassam

Childe Hassam (American, 1859-1935)

Hermann Clementz

Hermann Clementz

Hermann Clementz (German, 1852-1930)

Gustave Wappers

Gustave Wappers

Gustave Wappers (Dutch, 1803-1874)

Thrándur Thórarinsson

Thrándur Thórarinsson

Thrándur Thórarinsson (Icelandic, 1978 - ? )

Anastasia Girtschiz

Anastasia Girtschiz

Anastasia Girtschiz (Russian, 1968 - ?)

Victor Schivert

Victor Schivert

Victor Schivert (Romanian, 1863-1926)

Adolf Ziegler

Adolf Ziegler

Adolf Ziegler (German, 1892-1959)

Fabien Vieillard Launay

Fabien Vieillard Launay
Fabien Vieillard Launay (French, 1877 - 1904)

Francesc Torrescassana i Sellarés

Francesc Torrescassana i Sellarés

Francesc Torrescassana i Sellarés (Spanish,  1845-1918)