Portrait of Painters - Self Portrait in the Art

Walter Ufer

Walter Ufer

Walter Ufer

Walter Ufer
Walter Ufer (American, 1876 - 1936)

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (Italian, 1696 – 1770)

Nils Kreuger

Nils Kreuger

Nils Kreuger
Nils Kreuger (Swedish, 1858 - 1930)

Assoni Guerino

Assoni Guerino
Assoni Guerino (Italian, 1915- 1982)

Rosendo Gonzalez Carbonell

Rosendo Gonzalez Carbonell
Rosendo Gonzalez Carbonell (Spanish, 1910 - 1984)

Joseph Coosemans

Joseph Coosemans
Joseph Coosemans (Belgium, 1828-1904)

Eduardo Schlageter

Eduardo Schlageter

Eduardo Schlageter

Eduardo Schlageter
Eduardo Schlageter Singre (Venezuelan, 1893 - 1974)

Stephen Csoka

Stephen Csoka, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Stephen Csoka, Painter Stephen Csoka

Stephen Csoka, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Stephen Csoka, Painter Stephen Csoka
Stephen Csoka (American, 1897-1989)

Fernand Allard l'Olivier

Fernand Allard l'Olivier
Fernand Allard l'Olivier (Belgium, 1883 - 1933)