Portrait of Painters - Self Portrait in the Art

George Hendrik Breitner

George Hendrik Breitner
George Hendrik Breitner
George Hendrik Breitner (Dutch, 1857 - 1923)

Pór Bertalan

Pór Bertalan (Budapest, 1880 -1964)

Daniel Vázquez Díaz

Daniel Vázquez Díaz, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Vázquez Díaz
Daniel Vázquez Díaz (Spanish, 1882-1969)

Endresz Alice

Endresz Alice
Endresz Alice (Hungarian, 1899 - ?)

Jean Augustin Daiwaille

Jean Augustin Daiwaille

Tihanyi Lajos

Tihanyi Lajos (Budapest, 1885-1938)

Gillis van Tilborgh

Gillis van Tilborgh (Brussels, 1625 - 1678)

Robert Thegerström,

Robert Thegerström, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits

Robert Thegerström, Portraits of Painters, Self Portraits
Robert Thegerström (Swedish, 1857 - 1919)

Miguel Jadraque y Sánchez

Miguel Jadraque y Sánchez
Miguel Jadraque y Sánchez (Spanish, 1840-1919)

Henri Edmond Cross

Henri Edmond Cross
Henri Edmond Cross  (French, 1856-1910)

Joao Abel Manta

Joao Abel Manta

Joao Abel Manta Joao Abel Manta (Portuguese, 1928 - ?)

Daniel Warren Pinkham

Daniel Warren Pinkham
Daniel Warren Pinkham (American, 1952 - ?)

Bernhard Pankok

Bernhard Pankok
Bernhard Pankok (German, 1872-1943)

Otto Scholderer

Otto Scholderer
Otto Scholderer
Otto Scholderer
Otto Scholderer (German, 1834 -1902)

Constantin Gerhardinger

Constantin Gerhardinger
Constantin Gerhardinger (German, 1888-1970)

Max Hagen

Max Hagen
Max Hagen (German, 1859-1914)

Philippe Otto Runge

Philippe Otto Runge
Philippe Otto Runge (German, 1777-1810)

Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze

Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Emanuel Gottlieb, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Emanuel Gottlieb, Painter Emanuel Gottlieb

Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze
Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze (German, 1816-1868)

Eduard Kaempffer

Eduard Kaempffer
Eduard Kaempffer (German, 1859-1926)

Max Slevogt

Max Slevogt

Max Slevogt
Max Slevogt (German, 1868-1932)

Carlos María Herrera

Carlos María Herrera, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Carlos María Herrera, Painter Carlos María Herrera

Carlos María Herrera, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Carlos María Herrera, Painter Carlos María Herrera
Carlos María Herrera (Uruguayan , 1875 - 1914)

Hans Thoma

Hans Thoma

Hans Thoma
Hans Thoma
Hans Thoma
Hans Thoma
Hans Thoma
Hans Thoma (German, 1839-1924)

Constantin Hansen

Constantin Hansen
Constantin Hansen (French, 1804 - 1880)

Angel Ramiro Sanchez

Angel Ramiro Sanchez
Angel Ramiro Sanchez
Angel Ramiro Sanchez (Venezuelan, 1974 - ?)

Ricardo Acevedo Bernal

Ricardo Acevedo Bernal (Bogota, 1867- 1930)

Miguel Díaz Vargas

Miguel Díaz Vargas (bogota, 1886 - 1956)

Ellis Augustus Oliver

Ellis Augustus Oliver (American, 1872-1937)

Enrique Pérez Comendador

Enrique Pérez Comendador, Museo Pérez Comendador-Leroux, Self-Portrait, Portrait of Painters, Retrato del escultor Enrique Pérez Comendador, Pérez Comendador, Retratos de Enrique Pérez Comendador, César Velasco, Museo de Hervás

Museo Pérez Comendador-Leroux, Self Portrait, Portrait of Painters, Enrique Pérez Comendador, César Velasco Morillo, Museo de Hervás

Enrique Pérez Comendador (Spanish, 1900 - 1981)

Domingo Sanz Azcona

Domingo Sanz Azcona
Domingo Sanz Azcona (Spanish, 1927 - ?)

Eduardo Rosales Gallinas

Eduardo Rosales Gallinas, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Eduardo Rosales, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Eduardo Rosales, Painter Eduardo Rosales

Eduardo Rosales Gallinas, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Eduardo Rosales, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Eduardo Rosales, Painter Eduardo Rosales

Eduardo Rosales Gallinas, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Eduardo Rosales, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Eduardo Rosales, Painter Eduardo Rosales
Eduardo Rosales Gallinas (Spanish, 1836 - 1873)

Víctor Manzano y Mejorada

Víctor Manzano y Mejorada
Víctor Manzano y Mejorada (Spanish, 1831 - 1865)

José Mataix Monllor

José Mataix Monllor
José Mataix Monllor (Spanish, 1882 - 1952)

Luis Arcas Brauner

Luis Arcas Brauner
Luis Arcas Brauner (Spanish, 1934-1989)