Portrait of Painters - Self Portrait in the Art

Alfonso Sánchez Portela

Alfonso Sánchez Portela, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Sánchez Portela, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Alfonso Sánchez Portela, Painter Alfonso Sánchez Portela
Alfonso Sánchez Portela (Spanish, 1902 -  1990)

Zachary Zhelev

Aхари Желев , Zachary Zhelev, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Zachary Zhelev, Painter Zachary Zhelev
Zachary Zhelev (Bulgarian , 1868 - 1942)

Gabino Amaya Cacho

Gabino Amaya Cacho, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Gabino Amaya, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Gabino Amaya, Painter Gabino Amaya
Gabino Amaya Cacho (Spanish, 1961 - ?)

Julius Paulsen

Julius Paulsen, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Julius Paulsen, Painter Julius

Julius Paulsen, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Julius Paulsen, Painter Julius Paulsen

Julius Paulsen, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Julius Paulsen, Painter Julius Paulsen
Julius Paulsen (Danish, 1860 -1840)

Paco Carvajal

Paco Carvajal, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Paco Carvajal, Painter Paco Carvajal
Paco Carvajal (Spanish, 1963- 2017)

Hildreth Meière

Hildreth Meière, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Hildreth Meière, Painter Hildreth Meière
Hildreth Meière (American, 1892-1961)

Bruno Croatto

Bruno Croatto, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Bruno Croatto, Painter Bruno Croatto
Bruno Croatto (Italian, 1875 - 1948)

Virgilio Mattoni de la Fuente

Virgilio Mattoni de la Fuente, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Virgilio Mattoni, Painter  Virgilio Mattoni
Virgilio Mattoni de la Fuente (Spanish, 1842-1923)​​

Roko Matjasic

Roko Matjasic, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Roko Matjasic, Painter Roko Matjasic
Roko Matjasic (Croatia, 1900 - 1949)

John de la Vega

John de la Vega, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of John de la Vega, Painter John de la Vega

John de la Vega (Argentine, 1961 - )

Henri Regnault

Henri Regnault, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Henri Regnault, Painter Henri Regnault, Alexandre Georges Henri Regnault

Alexandre Georges Henri Regnault (French, 1843 - 1871)

Theodor Leopold Weller

Theodor Leopold Weller, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Theodor Leopold Weller, Painter Theodor Leopold Weller
Theodor Leopold Weller (German, 1802 - 1880)

Frans Mortelmans

Frans Mortelmans, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Frans Mortelmans, Painter Frans Mortelmans
Frans Mortelmans (Belgian, 1865-1936)

Henry Taylor Lamb

Henry Taylor Lamb, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Henry Taylor, Fine arts, Taylor Lamb, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Henry Taylor, Painter Henry Taylor
Henry Taylor Lamb (Australian, 1883 - 1960)

Miguel Pineda Montón

Miguel Pineda Montón, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Miguel Pineda, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Miguel Pineda, Painter Miguel Pineda
Miguel Pineda Montón (Spanish, 1828 - 1901)

Frederick Goodall

Frederick Goodall, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Frederick Goodall, Painter Frederick Goodall
Frederick Goodall (British, 1822-1904)

Galileo Andrea Maria Chini

Galileo Andrea Maria Chini, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Galileo Andrea Maria Chini, Painter Galileo Andrea Maria Chini
Galileo Andrea Maria Chini (Italian, 1873-1956)

Tadeusz Pruszkowski

Tadeusz Pruszkowski, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Tadeusz Pruszkowski, Painter Tadeusz Pruszkowski

Tadeusz Pruszkowski (Polish, 1888,  1942)

David Caldwell

David Caldwell, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of David Caldwell, Painter David Caldwell

David Caldwell, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of David Caldwell, Painter David Caldwell
David Caldwell (British, 1977 -? )

Robert Koehler

Robert Koehler, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Robert Koehler, Painter Robert Koehler
Robert Koehler (German, 1850 - 1917)

Antonio Buero Vallejo

Antonio Buero Vallejo, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Buero Vallejo, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Antonio Buero Vallejo, Painter Antonio Buero Vallejo

Antonio Buero Vallejo, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Buero Vallejo, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Antonio Buero Vallejo, Painter Antonio Buero Vallejo

Antonio Buero Vallejo (Spanish, 1916 - 2000)

David Abercrombie Donaldson

David Abercrombie Donaldson,Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, David Abercrombie, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of David Abercrombie, Painter David Abercrombie
David Abercrombie Donaldson (Scottish, 1916 - 1996)

Antonin Sterba

Antonin Sterba, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Antonin Sterba, Painter Antonin Sterba

Antonin Sterba, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Antonin Sterba, Painter Antonin Sterba

Antonin Sterba, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Antonin Sterba, Painter Antonin Sterba

Antonin Sterba (Czech , 1875-1963)

William Ewart Lockhart

William Ewart Lockhart, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, William Ewart, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of William Ewart, Painter William Ewart

William Ewart Lockhart, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, William Ewart, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of William Ewart, Painter William Ewart
William Ewart Lockhart (Scottish, 1846 -1900)

Antonio Alcantara

Antonio Alcantara, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts

Antonio Alcantara, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Antonio Alcantara, Painter Antonio Alcantara
Antonio Alcantara (Venezuelan, 1898 - 1991)

Wilhelm Leibl

Wilhelm Leibl, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Wilhelm Leibl, Painter Wilhelm

Wilhelm Leibl, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Wilhelm Leibl, Painter Wilhelm
Wilhelm Leibl (German, 1844 - 1900)

Oleg Lomakin

Oleg Lomakin, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Oleg Lomakin, Painter Oleg
Oleg Lomakin (Russian, 1924 - 2010)

Alfreda Wierusza

Alfreda Wierusza, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Alfreda Wierusza, Painter Alfreda Wierusza
Alfreda Wierusza (Polish, 1849- 1915)

Frederick Brown

Frederick Brown, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Frederick Brown, Painter Frederick Brown
Frederick Brown (British, 1851 - 1941)

George Henry Story

George Henry Story, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, George Henry, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of George Henry, Painter George Henry
George Henry Story (American, 1835 - 1923)

Segundo Matilla y Marina

Segundo Matilla y Marina, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Segundo Matilla, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Segundo Matilla, Painter  Segundo Matilla

Segundo Matilla y Marina, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Segundo Matilla, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Segundo Matilla, Painter  Segundo Matilla

Segundo Matilla y Marina (Spain, 1862 - 1937)

Joaquín Torres García

Joaquín Torres García, Self-Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Joaquín Torres, Painter Joaquín Torres
Joaquín Torres García (Uruguay, 1874 - 1949)

John Phillip

John Phillip, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of John Phillip, Painter John Phillip
John Phillip (Scottish, 1817 - 1867)

Eduardo Vicente Pérez

Eduardo Vicente Pérez, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Eduardo Vicente Pérez, Painter  Eduardo Vicente Pérez

Eduardo Vicente Pérez (Spanish, 1909 -1968)

John Prescott Knight

John Prescott Knight, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, John Prescott, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of John Prescott, Painter John Prescott
John Prescott Knight (British, 1803 - 1881)

Nathan Cooper Branwhite

Nathan Cooper Branwhite, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Nathan Cooper, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Nathan Cooper, Painter Nathan Cooper
Nathan Cooper Branwhite (British, 1775 - 1857)

Cadwallader Lincoln Washburn

Cadwallader Lincoln Washburn, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Cadwallader Lincoln, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Cadwallader Lincoln, Painter Cadwallader Lincoln
Cadwallader Lincoln Washburn (American, 1866-1965)

Edward Steel Harper II

Edward Steel Harper II, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Edward Steel, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Edward Steel, Painter Edward Steel
Edward Steel Harper II (British, 1878 - 1951)

Kaziemierz Pochwalski

Kaziemierz Pochwalski, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Kaziemierz Pochwalski, Painter Kaziemierz Pochwalski
Kaziemierz Pochwalski (Polish,1855-1940)

Thomas Alexander Ferguson Graham

Thomas Alexander Ferguson Graham, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters, Fine arts, Thomas Alexander Ferguson, Portraits of painters blog, Paintings of Thomas Alexander Ferguson, Painter Thomas Alexander Ferguson
Thomas Alexander Ferguson Graham (British, 1840 - 1906)